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proučavam islam nekoliko mjeseci, pročitala sam kuran i mogu reći od ovoga što znam da je brat haim u pravu. u kuranu postoje teološke pogrješke tipa kako je muhamed prestavio presveto trojstvo, da židovi vjeruju da je uzeir sin božji, da mi i židovi uzimamo rabije i svećenike za bogove i tako to.. kuran sam kaže da je jasan, bez pogrješke i da je od boga. jasnoća kurana nije baš izražena jer ima sistema abrogacija, koliko sam ja mogla primjetiti ima dosta i pogrješaka, a vrlo sam uvjerena da je djelo ljudskih ruku, tj. muhameda, a o tome ću pisati u nekom drugom postu i navesti razloge.
počet ću sa trojstvom u kuranu. za početak uzmimo ovaj ajet iz sure 6:101:
On je Stvoritelj nebesa i Zemlje! Otkud Njemu dijete kad nema žene, On sve stvara, i samo On sve zna.
bez uvrjede, svaki kršćanin će se nasmijati kada pročita ovo. muhamed je mislio da je isus božji biološki sin, što nam je jasno također predstavljeno iz onoga ajeta kada se kršćani optužuju da štuju mariju kao boga. muhamedu je isus očito jedan od trojice, a drugo dvoje su marija i bog. ovo ama baš apsolutno nikakve veze nema sa svetim trojstvom, jer ne zaboravimo da kršćani ipak vjeruju u jednoga boga. meni nije jasno, kako allah ako je bog, nije bio obavješten o TEMELJU kršćanske vjere i kako netko tko je BOG može reći, rečenicu tipa "kako bog može imati sina kada nema ženu!"
nadalje, svi podatci koje ja imam o islamu na svome kompjuteru su na engleskom jeziku , pa se nadam se ga svi aktivno koristite. dolje ću citirati islamske izvore koji isto ne prikazuje trojstvo u pravome svjetlu.
[size=12]Tafsir Ibn Kathir- "Allah will also speak to His servant and Messenger, `Isa son of Maryam, peace be upon him, saying to him on the Day of Resurrection in the presence of those who worshipped `Isa and his mother as gods besides Allah,(O `Isa, son of Maryam! Did you say unto men: `Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allah') This is a threat and a warning to Christians, chastising them in public,....Al-Bukhari also recorded this Hadith in the explanation of this Ayah. Allah said; (If You punish them, they are Your servants, and if You forgive them, verily You, only You are the Almighty, the All-Wise.) All matters refer back to Allah, for He does what He Wills and none can question Him about what He does, while He will question them. This Ayah also shows the crime of the Christians who invented a lie against Allah and His Messenger, thus making a rival, wife and son for Allah. Allah is glorified in that He is far above what they attribute to Him."
He portrays the Christian belief as one of having 1)the father Allah, 2)the wife Mary, 3)and Jesus as their son (ostensibly made by intercourse I would assume). Notice the objection of Kathir that Mary is a "rival" [deity] raised to partnership with Allah? Ibn Kathir gets his confusion because this is what the text of the Quran communicated to him.
Obviously, if G-d wrote your Quran He would know this is not, nor has it ever been, the orthodox belief of any Christians. Quite simply, the author of this verse was a human who was ignorant of the topic his cheap polemic was written about.
"(Surely, they have disbelieved who say: "Allah is the third of three.") Mujahid and several others said that this Ayah was revealed about the Christians in particular. As-Suddi and others said that this Ayah was revealed about taking `Isa and his mother as gods besides Allah, thus making Allah the third in a trinity. As-Suddi said, "This is similar to Allah's statement towards the end of the Surah,
[وَإِذْ قَالَ اللَّهُ يعِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ أَءَنتَ قُلتَ لِلنَّاسِ اتَّخِذُونِى وَأُمِّىَ إِلَـهَيْنِ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ قَالَ سُبْحَـنَكَ]
(And (remember) when Allah will say: "O `Isa, son of Maryam! Did you say unto men: `Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allah' He will say, "Glory be to You!")[5:116]."
http://www.tafsir.com/default.asp?sid=5&tid=14362zaključak: islamski bog i muhamed su vrlo neupućeni u temelje kršćanske vjere.
nadalje, brat musliman non stop spominje "kuranske mudžize". ja sam tu knjigu isto pročitala i ona je jedno vrlo nategnuto štivo, koje odaje vrlo bujnu maštu pojedinih muslimana i nema baš neke veze sa stvarnošću. 2 zapadnjaka: maurice bucaille i keith moore su dobili veliki novac od saudijske arabije da napišu ono šta su napisali. nikada se nisu preobratili na islam, a keith moor je neke svoje izjave i povukao jer ga znanstvenici non stop izazivaju na debate... da skratim priču, te navodne kuranske mudžize su OPOVRGNUTE milijun puta. ako je netko zainteresiran neka pogleda link koji ću poslati i nakon čitanja će se uvjeriti da u kuranu nema ni z od znanosti:
http://www.islam-watch.org/Amarkhan/Miracles-of-Quran-Exposed.htmpozdrav svima