Adnan je napisao/la: A zasto je on to uradio?Zato sto je imao vjeru u Boga i zato sto se on nada nagradi od Boga i zato sto ga je njegov Gospodar tako poucio!!
Zasto bi neki ateista cinio dobra djela jer on nevjeruje da ce mu to
ikad biti vraceno?Moze jedino da se pokaze pred ljudima nastojeci tako
da mu se tako poveca ugled kod ljudi jer on samo vidi ovaj svijet!!
U tome i jest čitav problem. Kako vidiš, i ateisti čine dobra djela, i to ne nužno da bi se pokazali pred ljudima.
Bez obzira je li ti motivacija da se pokažeš pred ljudima ili da stekneš poene kod Boga koji će te nagraditi, obje su motivacije pogrešne. Potrebno je činiti dobra djela radi dobrih djela samih. Ljudi imaju tendenciju stalno svoje postupke pripisvati nečemu u budućnosti. Radimo da bismo si mogli kupiti to i to, kupujemo ženi cvijeće kako bi ona vidjela da smo uglađeni, dajemo milostinju kako bismo bili nagrađeni od Boga. Zašto jednostavno ne bismo radili to što radimo radi toga samog? Želimo davati milostinju radi same milostinje.
O tome govori ova priča:
A Zen Teacher saw five of his students return from the market, riding
their bicycles. When they had dismounted, the teacher asked the
students, "Why are you riding your bicycles?" The first student
replied, "The bicycle is carrying this sack of potatoes. I am glad that
I do not have to carry them on my back!" The teacher praised the
student, saying, "You are a smart boy. When you grow old, you will not
walk hunched over, as I do." The second student replied, "I love to
watch the trees and fields pass by as I roll down the path." The
teacher commended the student, "Your eyes are open and you see the
world." The third student replied, "When I ride my bicycle, I am
content to chant, nam myoho renge kyo." The teacher gave praise to the
third student, "Your mind will roll with the ease of a newly trued
wheel." The fourth student answered, "Riding my bicycle, I live in
harmony with all beings." The teacher was pleased and said, "You are
riding on the golden path of non-harming." The fifth student replied,
"I ride my bicycle to ride my bicycle." The teacher went and sat at the
feet of the fifth student, and said, "I am your disciple."
Sto znaci iskreno cinjenje dobrih dijela nemoze bez vjere!!Bez vjere
zivot nema smisla a bez prave vjere zivot nije zivot!
Vjere da, ali vjere koja se ne oslanja na buduću sreću i na strah od kazne.