Da,mislim da jesu. I ne isključuje ih ničija neobaveštenost.Kopirala sam ti samo dva izvora za sada, moram priznati da bi mi oduzelo puno vremena da ti sve nađem. Sa obzirom da imam četvoro dece vreme mi je izuzetno važno.
Unapred se izvinjavam svim članovima foruma koji ne znaju engleski, jer ću izvode ostaviti u originalu. Ako ko želi neku od ovih knjiga rado ću mu je poslati.
Da, upravu si za protestante bolje reći samo neistomišljenike.
Neander, Mosheim and Waddington's church histories say that "the maxium which justified the chastisement of religious errors by civil penalties, even to burning was established and confirmed by the authority of Augustine and thus transmitted to the following ages."(†)
In Schmucker's "The Glorious Reformation" it states that by the year 1850, the Roman Catholics had killed over 68,000,000 (68 millions) people who dissented from the dogmas and traditions of Callistus and Noetrus who were the earlier Roman Catholic Church fathers.(‡) Sixty-eight million, over 100,000 from Ireland, hundreds of thousands of Indians in South America, thousands of people of India whom Xavier and his Jesuits destroyed, in fact, it was death everywhere because of Augustine's sanctioning the edict of Honorius and Arcadius.
This letter of Augustine was embodied in the canon of the Roman Catholic Church and from then on the Popes had no fear of killing people who dissented with them.
As time went on the words of Pelagius echoed in Augustine's ears. When he said the Barbarians are coming. They will repay all the wickedness of killing people whom you say offended the Pope and dissented with the organized Roman church.
"Vengeance is mine says the Lord. I will repay."
(†) Chambers Encyclopedia, 1894, Vol. I p. 405
(‡) The "Retractiones" of Augustine
took back much of his earlier interpretations of Scripture.
In addition to this regular, systematic process, the Romish church has been guilty of numerous, extensive, and sometimes national persecutions, in which hundreds of thousands of our Protestant brethren were butchered in cold blood. Need I point you to the bloody tragedy of St. Bartholomew's eve,¤
¤ "To lull the Protestants into security, the court now enforced the terms of the treaty (of toleration for the Protestants) with much apparent zeal, proposed a marriage between the young king of Navarre (a Protestant) and the king's sister, and thus at length drew Coligni, the king of Navarre, and the prince of Conde, (and a number of other Protestant leaders)
to appear at court. All this was preparatory to the assassination of the
Protestants, by order of the king and queen mother, on Bartholomew's eve, Aug. 22d, 1572. The bloody scene began at midnight, at the signal of tolling the great bell of the palace, and continued three days at Paris. coligni was the first victim. With him 500 noblemen and about 6,000 other Protestants were butchered in Paris alone. Orders were despatched to all parts of the empire for a similar massacre every where." "From the city of Paris the massacre spread throughout the whole kingdom. In the city of Maeux, they threw above 200 into prison, and after they had ravished and killed a great number of women, and plundered the houses of Protestants," they deliberately murdered, one by one, all whom they had imprisoned. The number of Protestants thus butchered throughout France, in the thirty days during which this massacre was continued, cannot be accurately ascertained, and is estimated at from 30,000 to 100,000!!!
When the pope's legate sent the news to Rome, the holy father and his cardinals repaired to the church, and publicly gave thanks to God for the glorious news, the cannon were discharged, and a jubilee proclaimed throughout the Christian world!!!--Murdock's Mos. Vol. iii, p. 197. Convers. Lexicon, Vol. i. p.
The Glorious Reformation - Page 91-92
in 1572, when at the not of the Pope a hundred thousand of the best people of France were massacred in cold blood by order of their own priest-ridden king, Charles IX.? Need I speak to you of the treacherous revocation of the edict of Nantes, by approbation and applause of the Roman pontiff, in violation of all law, human and divine, by which half a million or more of the best citizens of France, because they would not renounce their religion, were compelled to flee from papal persecution and death, and, stripped of all their earthly goods, to seek shelter in foreign lands? Need I direct your attention to the millions of Waldenses and Albigenses who were butchered in cold blood by the minions of the pope! Need I speak to you to the thirty years' war in Germany, which was mainly instigated by the Jesuits, in
order to deprive the Protestants of the right of free religious worship,
secured to them by the treaty of Augsburg? Or of the Irish rebellion,¤ of the inhuman
¤ The celebrated historian Hume, gives the following description of the suffering Protestants in Ireland, in the great massacre which began in 1641, in the reign of Charles 1.
"The rebellion which had been upwards of fourteen years threatened in Ireland, and which had been repressed only by the vigour of the earl of Stafford's government, broke out at this time with incredible fury. On this fatal day, the Irish, everywhere intermingled with the English, needed but a hint from their leaders and priests to begin hostilities against a people whom they hated on account of their religion, and envied for their riches and prosperity. The houses, cattle, and goods of the unwary English were first seized. Those who herd of the commotions in their neighbourhood, instead of deserting their habitations, and assembling together for mutual protection, remained at home, in hopes of defending their property, and fell thus separately into the hands of their enemies. After rapacity had fully exerted itself, cruelty, and that the most barbarous that ever in any nation was known or heard of, began its operations. A universal massacre commenced of the English, (Protestants) now defenceless, and passively resigned to their inhuman foes; no age, no sex, no condition was spared. The wife, weeping for her butchered husband, and embracing her helpless children, was pierced with them, and perished by the same stroke; the old, the young, the vigorous, the infirm, underwent the like fate, and were confounded in one common ruin. In vain did flight save from the first assault; destruction was everywhere let loose, and met the hunted victims
at every turn. In vain was recourse had to relations, to companions, to
friends; all connexions were dissolved, and death was dealt by that hand from protection was implored and expected. Without provocation, without opposition, the astonished English, (Protestants) being in profound peace, and full security, were massacred by their nearest neighbours, with whom they had long upheld a continued intercourse of kindness and good offices. But death was the lightest punishment inflicted by those enraged rebels; all the tortures which wanton cruelty could devise, all the lingering pains of body, and anguish of mind, the agonies of despair, could not satiate revenge excited without injury, and cruelty derived from no cause. To enter into particulars would shock the least delicate humanity; such enormities, though attested by undoubted evidence, would appear almost incredible."
The Glorious Reformation - Page 93-94
butchery of about fifteen millions of Indians in South America, Mexico and Cuba, by the Spanish papists? In short, it is calculated by authentic historians, that papal Rome has shed the blood of sixty-eight millions of the human race in order to establish her unfounded claims to religious dominion.¤
What language then can express the gratitude due from Protestants to the
Reformation, which has secured them the privilege of worshipping God according to the dictates of their own conscience without danger of being roasted at the fire, or having their bones broken on the rack! The first principle which guided the Reformers was, that no authority on earth could justly require them to act contrary to the dictates of their conscience, and they did not hesitate to tell the Emperor to his face, in the XVIth Article of the Confession presented to him at Augsburg, that if ever their civil rulers commanded them to do aught contrary to their convictions of duty, they were bound "to obey God rather than men." Luther himself, the very earliest of the Reformers, denounced religious persecution in the most
¤ Dr. Brownlee's Popery an enemy to civil liberty, p.
The Glorious Reformation - Page 95
decided terms. "Do you say, the civil government should indeed not force men to believe, but only interfere, in order that the people be not led astray by false doctrine? and how could heretics otherwise be put down? I answer, to counteract heresy is the business of ministers, not of the civil rulers. Here a different course must be pursued, and other weapons than the sword must fight these battles. The word of God must here contend; if this proves unavailing, neither can civil governments remedy the evil, though they should deluge the earth with blood. Heresy is an intellectual thing, that cannot be hewn by the sword, nor burned with fire, nor drowned with water. The word of God alone can subdue it; as Paul says, 'The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of the strong holds,' etc. 2 Cor. 10: 4, 5."¤ It is indeed true, that even the Protestant churches did not at once throw off every vestige of Popish intolerance, but the cases of persecution by them
¤ Luther's Werke. Walch's edition, vol. 10, p. 461.
The Glorious Reformation - Page 96
were few and comparatively mild, and soon passed away. No Protestant church ever embraced the Romish doctrine, that it is a duty by fire and sword to compel others to adopt our views. When Protestants did persecute, it was in opposition to their own principles; but when Romanists
put Protestants to death, they only do what their creed requires, what their books distinctly tell us they believe it their duty to do, whenever they have the predominant power in their hands.
Da li to znači da ako nisam katolik da sam apriori onda lažov?
Ja to nisam rekla. Sigurno da neko nekoga nepadne ne bih stajala mirno kao tzv. svetac i citirala, ako te neko udari a ti njemu okreni i drugi obraz. Sigurno da bih pokušala da odbranim. Ali poenta nije u tome, možemo se složiti?
Pa, hajdmo onda uzeti prevod King Dzejmsa da vidimo šta je to falcifikovano?
Da i mene čudi da neko veruje da su je promenili. Mučeni i progonjeni, ubijeni kao i u starom zavetu, ništa novo pod suncem, posmrtno dobijali titule svetaca i to ni od koga drugog do od svojih gonitelja, to je zaista čudno.
Ovo nisu istoriske
činjenice. Ako misliš da jesu, moraš mi pokazat i izvor za ovakve
tvrdnje. Jer, ovako gledajući, stječem dojam da su tu neselektivno
ubrojane sve žrtve svih ratova (a ne zaboravimo da je to razdoblje
velike seobe naroda svih mogućih i nemogućih vjera) i to još pomnožene
sa deset.
Isto tako, ako možemo konkretizirati govor o tim
protestantima koje je Crkva ubila, tko su oni, što su vjerovali, jesu
bili skloni nasilju itd. Jer, reći da su protestanti tu od vremena
Augustina, to je 1000 godina preuranjeno.
Da,mislim da jesu. I ne isključuje ih ničija neobaveštenost.Kopirala sam ti samo dva izvora za sada, moram priznati da bi mi oduzelo puno vremena da ti sve nađem. Sa obzirom da imam četvoro dece vreme mi je izuzetno važno.
Unapred se izvinjavam svim članovima foruma koji ne znaju engleski, jer ću izvode ostaviti u originalu. Ako ko želi neku od ovih knjiga rado ću mu je poslati.
Da, upravu si za protestante bolje reći samo neistomišljenike.
Neander, Mosheim and Waddington's church histories say that "the maxium which justified the chastisement of religious errors by civil penalties, even to burning was established and confirmed by the authority of Augustine and thus transmitted to the following ages."(†)
In Schmucker's "The Glorious Reformation" it states that by the year 1850, the Roman Catholics had killed over 68,000,000 (68 millions) people who dissented from the dogmas and traditions of Callistus and Noetrus who were the earlier Roman Catholic Church fathers.(‡) Sixty-eight million, over 100,000 from Ireland, hundreds of thousands of Indians in South America, thousands of people of India whom Xavier and his Jesuits destroyed, in fact, it was death everywhere because of Augustine's sanctioning the edict of Honorius and Arcadius.
This letter of Augustine was embodied in the canon of the Roman Catholic Church and from then on the Popes had no fear of killing people who dissented with them.
As time went on the words of Pelagius echoed in Augustine's ears. When he said the Barbarians are coming. They will repay all the wickedness of killing people whom you say offended the Pope and dissented with the organized Roman church.
"Vengeance is mine says the Lord. I will repay."
(†) Chambers Encyclopedia, 1894, Vol. I p. 405
(‡) The "Retractiones" of Augustine
took back much of his earlier interpretations of Scripture.
In addition to this regular, systematic process, the Romish church has been guilty of numerous, extensive, and sometimes national persecutions, in which hundreds of thousands of our Protestant brethren were butchered in cold blood. Need I point you to the bloody tragedy of St. Bartholomew's eve,¤
¤ "To lull the Protestants into security, the court now enforced the terms of the treaty (of toleration for the Protestants) with much apparent zeal, proposed a marriage between the young king of Navarre (a Protestant) and the king's sister, and thus at length drew Coligni, the king of Navarre, and the prince of Conde, (and a number of other Protestant leaders)
to appear at court. All this was preparatory to the assassination of the
Protestants, by order of the king and queen mother, on Bartholomew's eve, Aug. 22d, 1572. The bloody scene began at midnight, at the signal of tolling the great bell of the palace, and continued three days at Paris. coligni was the first victim. With him 500 noblemen and about 6,000 other Protestants were butchered in Paris alone. Orders were despatched to all parts of the empire for a similar massacre every where." "From the city of Paris the massacre spread throughout the whole kingdom. In the city of Maeux, they threw above 200 into prison, and after they had ravished and killed a great number of women, and plundered the houses of Protestants," they deliberately murdered, one by one, all whom they had imprisoned. The number of Protestants thus butchered throughout France, in the thirty days during which this massacre was continued, cannot be accurately ascertained, and is estimated at from 30,000 to 100,000!!!
When the pope's legate sent the news to Rome, the holy father and his cardinals repaired to the church, and publicly gave thanks to God for the glorious news, the cannon were discharged, and a jubilee proclaimed throughout the Christian world!!!--Murdock's Mos. Vol. iii, p. 197. Convers. Lexicon, Vol. i. p.
The Glorious Reformation - Page 91-92
in 1572, when at the not of the Pope a hundred thousand of the best people of France were massacred in cold blood by order of their own priest-ridden king, Charles IX.? Need I speak to you of the treacherous revocation of the edict of Nantes, by approbation and applause of the Roman pontiff, in violation of all law, human and divine, by which half a million or more of the best citizens of France, because they would not renounce their religion, were compelled to flee from papal persecution and death, and, stripped of all their earthly goods, to seek shelter in foreign lands? Need I direct your attention to the millions of Waldenses and Albigenses who were butchered in cold blood by the minions of the pope! Need I speak to you to the thirty years' war in Germany, which was mainly instigated by the Jesuits, in
order to deprive the Protestants of the right of free religious worship,
secured to them by the treaty of Augsburg? Or of the Irish rebellion,¤ of the inhuman
¤ The celebrated historian Hume, gives the following description of the suffering Protestants in Ireland, in the great massacre which began in 1641, in the reign of Charles 1.
"The rebellion which had been upwards of fourteen years threatened in Ireland, and which had been repressed only by the vigour of the earl of Stafford's government, broke out at this time with incredible fury. On this fatal day, the Irish, everywhere intermingled with the English, needed but a hint from their leaders and priests to begin hostilities against a people whom they hated on account of their religion, and envied for their riches and prosperity. The houses, cattle, and goods of the unwary English were first seized. Those who herd of the commotions in their neighbourhood, instead of deserting their habitations, and assembling together for mutual protection, remained at home, in hopes of defending their property, and fell thus separately into the hands of their enemies. After rapacity had fully exerted itself, cruelty, and that the most barbarous that ever in any nation was known or heard of, began its operations. A universal massacre commenced of the English, (Protestants) now defenceless, and passively resigned to their inhuman foes; no age, no sex, no condition was spared. The wife, weeping for her butchered husband, and embracing her helpless children, was pierced with them, and perished by the same stroke; the old, the young, the vigorous, the infirm, underwent the like fate, and were confounded in one common ruin. In vain did flight save from the first assault; destruction was everywhere let loose, and met the hunted victims
at every turn. In vain was recourse had to relations, to companions, to
friends; all connexions were dissolved, and death was dealt by that hand from protection was implored and expected. Without provocation, without opposition, the astonished English, (Protestants) being in profound peace, and full security, were massacred by their nearest neighbours, with whom they had long upheld a continued intercourse of kindness and good offices. But death was the lightest punishment inflicted by those enraged rebels; all the tortures which wanton cruelty could devise, all the lingering pains of body, and anguish of mind, the agonies of despair, could not satiate revenge excited without injury, and cruelty derived from no cause. To enter into particulars would shock the least delicate humanity; such enormities, though attested by undoubted evidence, would appear almost incredible."
The Glorious Reformation - Page 93-94
butchery of about fifteen millions of Indians in South America, Mexico and Cuba, by the Spanish papists? In short, it is calculated by authentic historians, that papal Rome has shed the blood of sixty-eight millions of the human race in order to establish her unfounded claims to religious dominion.¤
What language then can express the gratitude due from Protestants to the
Reformation, which has secured them the privilege of worshipping God according to the dictates of their own conscience without danger of being roasted at the fire, or having their bones broken on the rack! The first principle which guided the Reformers was, that no authority on earth could justly require them to act contrary to the dictates of their conscience, and they did not hesitate to tell the Emperor to his face, in the XVIth Article of the Confession presented to him at Augsburg, that if ever their civil rulers commanded them to do aught contrary to their convictions of duty, they were bound "to obey God rather than men." Luther himself, the very earliest of the Reformers, denounced religious persecution in the most
¤ Dr. Brownlee's Popery an enemy to civil liberty, p.
The Glorious Reformation - Page 95
decided terms. "Do you say, the civil government should indeed not force men to believe, but only interfere, in order that the people be not led astray by false doctrine? and how could heretics otherwise be put down? I answer, to counteract heresy is the business of ministers, not of the civil rulers. Here a different course must be pursued, and other weapons than the sword must fight these battles. The word of God must here contend; if this proves unavailing, neither can civil governments remedy the evil, though they should deluge the earth with blood. Heresy is an intellectual thing, that cannot be hewn by the sword, nor burned with fire, nor drowned with water. The word of God alone can subdue it; as Paul says, 'The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of the strong holds,' etc. 2 Cor. 10: 4, 5."¤ It is indeed true, that even the Protestant churches did not at once throw off every vestige of Popish intolerance, but the cases of persecution by them
¤ Luther's Werke. Walch's edition, vol. 10, p. 461.
The Glorious Reformation - Page 96
were few and comparatively mild, and soon passed away. No Protestant church ever embraced the Romish doctrine, that it is a duty by fire and sword to compel others to adopt our views. When Protestants did persecute, it was in opposition to their own principles; but when Romanists
put Protestants to death, they only do what their creed requires, what their books distinctly tell us they believe it their duty to do, whenever they have the predominant power in their hands.
Nisam čitao no znam da
puno laži kruži o Katoličkoj Crkvi, tako da sam unaprijed vrlo
skeptičan prema toj knjizi. Pogotovo kad vidim brojke, odmah mi postaje
jasno tko je autor takvog djela.
Da li to znači da ako nisam katolik da sam apriori onda lažov?
Ako ja i mogu okrenuti drugi obraz kad se mene pljusne,
čisto sumnjam da je u redu gledati i ne reagirati kad vidim da je netko
drugi napadnut.
Ja to nisam rekla. Sigurno da neko nekoga nepadne ne bih stajala mirno kao tzv. svetac i citirala, ako te neko udari a ti njemu okreni i drugi obraz. Sigurno da bih pokušala da odbranim. Ali poenta nije u tome, možemo se složiti?
To nije istorijska
činjenica. Istoriska je činjenica da su katolici čuvali i prepisivali
Pismo, dok su ga razne sekte falsificirale po svom nahođenju. Ako to
vidimo danas, ne znam zašto bi to bilo nemoguće u prošlosti.
Pa, hajdmo onda uzeti prevod King Dzejmsa da vidimo šta je to falcifikovano?
I još nešto, mene vrlo
čudi s koliko lakoćom se prihvaća da su Crkveni oci, koji su bili i
mučeni i progonjeni, najednom prihvatili promjenu vjere.
Da i mene čudi da neko veruje da su je promenili. Mučeni i progonjeni, ubijeni kao i u starom zavetu, ništa novo pod suncem, posmrtno dobijali titule svetaca i to ni od koga drugog do od svojih gonitelja, to je zaista čudno.