Mozda si vas dvoje zelite jedan drugom dobro, ali ja (u svom skromnom misljenju) vidim da vi to ne cinite. Vec suprotno.
Zvonko M. je napisao/la:Brate No Nick, molim te da čitaš malo pažljivije.
Naveo sam maločas i originalni grčki izraz - "κυριακὴν δὲ κυρίου", da
ne bi bilo zabune. Ep. Atanasije kao i praktično svi stručnjaci za
biblijske jezike poput njega prevode taj izraz kao "nedelja Gospodnja"
i to je sasvim pravilno jer "κυριακη" znači na grčkom "nedelja", a
"κυρίος" Gospod - "δὲ κυρίου" = "od Gospoda", "koji pripada Gospodu".
Dakle, prevod "u nedelju Gospodnju" je ovde sasvim ispravan.
Greek, the names of the days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
(Δευτέρα, Τρίτη, Τετάρτη, και Πέμπτη) mean Second,
Third, Fourth, and Fifth. This suggests that Sunday was once called Πρώτη, that is, First. The current Greek name for Sunday,
Κυριακή, means Lord's Day.
we solemnly assemble to celebrate the feast of the resurrection on the Lord's day, and rejoice on account of Him who has conquered death, and has brought life and immortality to light
For the Sabbath is the ceasing of the creation, the completion of the world, the inquiry after laws, and the grateful praise to God for the blessings He has bestowed upon men. All which the Lord's day excels, and shows the Mediator Himself, the Provider, the Lawgiver, the Cause of the resurrection, the First-born of the whole creation, God the Word, and man, who was born of Mary alone, without a man, who lived holily, who was crucified under Pontius Pilate, and died, and rose again from the dead. So that the Lord's day commands us to offer unto Thee, O Lord, thanksgiving for all.
No Nick je napisao/la:Eh sad. Kyrie je danas nedelja na savremenom grckom jeziku.
No Nick je napisao/la:Prema tome, Atanasije kao i mnogi, kako kazes, prevode ga sa savremenim grckim, sto je pogresno rekao bih, jer u ono vreme nedelja je bila ili "prvi dan" (Πρώτη) ili "dan Sunca" (ἡμέρα Ἡλίου). Mada, ovo se jos moze proveriti.
Uniformly, the early patristic arguments focus
on the evils of Jewish practice rather than the merits of Sunday observance. The abandonment of the Sabbath with its
consequent adoption of Sunday stands as a classic example of religious
capitulation in the face of hostile social disapproval.
Scholars usually
recognize the anti-Judaic motivation for the repudiation of the Jewish
reckoning of Passover and adoption of Easter-Sunday instead. Joachim Jeremias
attributes such a development to "the inclination to break away from Judaism."
In a similar vein, J.B. Lightfoot explains that Rome and Alexandria adopted
Easter-Sunday to avoid "even the semblance of
Judaism" (Bacchiocchi S. God's Festival in Scripture and
History. Biblical Perspectives. Befriend Springs (MI), 1995, pp. 101,102,103).
Dakle, ako pažljivo pročitamo, vidimo
1) Za autora je "dan Gospodnji" praznik Vaskrsenja - nedelja
2) Počinak u Postanju tumači simbolično, a ne kao sedmični dan (vidi Razg. sa Trifunom)
3) Nedelja "prevazilazi", "viša je od" subote jer nam pokazuje Posrednika Lično.
) I na kraju, u dan Gospodnji - nedelju nam je zapoveđeno da blagodarimo Bogu.
Zvonko M. je napisao/la:No Nick je napisao/la:Eh sad. Kyrie je danas nedelja na savremenom grckom jeziku.
Tačnije "κυριακη", "Κύριε" je vokativ i znači "Gospode" kao na primer "Κύριε ἐλέησον" - Gospode smiluj se. Svakako, taj naziv za "prvi dan sedmice" pojavljuje se zajedno sa Hrišćanstvom. Pre toga nije postojao.No Nick je napisao/la:Prema tome, Atanasije kao i mnogi, kako kazes, prevode ga sa savremenim grckim, sto je pogresno rekao bih, jer u ono vreme nedelja je bila ili "prvi dan" (Πρώτη) ili "dan Sunca" (ἡμέρα Ἡλίου). Mada, ovo se jos moze proveriti.
To je bilo pre Hrista. Već prvi Hrišćani je nazivaju "Gospodnji dan" ("κυριακη ημερα"), a kada izostaviš reč "dan" naziv je isti kao i danas: "κυριακη". Tu su svi rani autori konzistentni, pa nema nikakvog razloga da Didahi bude izuzetak. Taman posla da eksperti prevode drevne tekstove na osnovu savremenog grčkog jezika...
eć prvi Hrišćani je nazivaju "Gospodnji dan" ("κυριακη ημερα"), a kada
izostaviš reč "dan" naziv je isti kao i danas: "κυριακη". Tu su svi
rani autori konzistentni, pa nema nikakvog razloga da Didahi bude
izuzetak. Taman posla da eksperti prevode drevne tekstove na osnovu
savremenog grčkog jezika..
Svakako, taj naziv za "prvi dan sedmice" pojavljuje se zajedno sa Hrišćanstvom. Pre toga nije postojao.
No Nick je napisao/la:Hm, i ovo je za moj pojam klasicna zamena teze. Prvo, termin κυριακη ημερα prvi hriscani nikada nisu upotrebljavali za 'dan Gospodnji' ...
What I wondered before going to Greece was why native Greeks did not realize that Κυριακὴν did not literally mean “Lord’s Day” as that is not a meaning inherent in the word. But after speaking with several knowledgeable Greeks, I concluded that the meaning of this term had been changed over time--so much so that modern Greeks do not seem to think about its original meaning.
Now the modern Greek word for Sunday is Κυριακή. Hence the Greeks consider that the word is simply now means Sunday, and thus they ignore its literal meaning. However, even in modern Greek, Κυρια (the base of the other words) still literally means Master or Lord—it has nothing to do with the Sun or a day—nor is the idea of “Sunday” supported by the context in Ignatius.
No Nick je napisao/la:Zavisi sa kojim hriscanstvom to mislis?? Sigurno ne i I veku AD.
Ovde mi uopšte nije jasno šta si hteo da
kažeš... Doslovno "κυριακη ημερα" znači "Gospodnji dan", a ti kažeš da
ga "prvi Hrišćani nikada nisu upotrebljavali". Već u Bibliji apostol
Jovan ga koristi u Otkrivenju 1:10. Znači, prvi Hrišćani jesu koristili
taj izraz i on znači "dan Gospodnji".
Ovaj mi uopšte nije jasan. Naravno da Grci znaju
šta ta njihova reč doslovno znači - "Gospodnji". Tu reč u svakoj molivi
pomenu po sto puta. I naravno da nema nikakve veze sa Suncem, zašto bi
imala bilo kakve veze? Niti Ignjatije pominje "Sunce" u svojoj
poslanici. Izgleda da je čovek potpuno neupućen u problem.
Svakako od I veka AD - "bejah u duhu u dan Gospodnji" Otk 1:10.
9.1 If then those who had walked in ancient practices attained unto
newness of hope, no longer keeping sabbaths Judaically, but in
accordance with the Lord's way of life, on which our life also arose
through Him and through His death which some men deny..."
(P.S.Uporediti sa iznesenim prevodom na srpski jezik)
Note: that
although the expression Judaically is not in the surviving text, the
original classic Greek demands that Ignatius was referring to the
ancient prophets, who were not following non-biblical, Judaic,
practices in the prior verses, as they properly knew how to keep the
Sabbath as Isaiah 58:13-14 proves.
Others consider that the
"Lord's Day" is the seventh day Sabbath. Those that do that tend to
point out this statement in the Book of Mark 2:28 which states
“Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath", while Matthew
12:8 words it, “For the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath".
Zvonko M. je napisao/la:Nedostaju nam samo Djenaro Olivijeri i Gvido Pankvaldi...