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Stigme i stigmatici

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Totus Tuus
hrvoje hrki
13 posters

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na jednoj temi dotakli smo se malo stigmatiziranih , pa da otvorimo i tu temu
ima li stigmatiziranih ljudi među nekatolicima- znate li neki primjer?
vjerujete li u nadnaravan , spontan nastanak stigmi kod pojedinih ljudi laika, svećenika, isl.
kako gledate na taj fenomen?


Ova čudna pojava, koja se javlja većinom kod vjernika Katoličke crkve (osim rijetkih iznimaka), uključuje izbijanje mrlja tj. rana na rukama, nogama ili na čelu, na mjestima gdje je Isus Krist bio proboden čavlima razapet na križu ili je nosio vijenac na čelu. Iz njih povremeno teče krv.

Kristove rane ili stigmate prvi se put spominju kod Franje Asiškog iz 13. stoljeća. Tijekom boravka na brdu Alverno odjednom je dobio rane na rukama i nogama, na mjestima na kojima je Isus bio proboden. Nakon smrti Franje Asiškog, ta se pojava javila na još oko 400 osoba iz raznih zemalja, no za većinu ne postoje pouzdani svjedoci i izvještaji.

Stigme i stigmatici 0378007.21

Louise LateauPo stigmatama je slavna i Louise Lateau, djevojka iz selca Bois d'Haine u Belgiji, koja se baš i nije oduševila kad je jednog dana ugledala krvave rane na svojim dlanovima.

Završila je u rukama znanstvenika koji su je čak stavili u izolirani stakleni kavez i proučavali promjene na koži. Nisu uspjeli otkriti medicinski uzrok i ostali su u čudu kad su shvatili da se te rane pojavljuju same od sebe…

Stigme i stigmatici 0381007.21

Zlatko Sudac

I Hrvatska ima stigmataša! To je 34-godišnji svećenik Zlatko Sudac s otoka Krka, poznat kao slavni mistik i u Americi, jer je otišao na studij engleskog i spiritizma u New York. Sudac je prije šest godina ugledao na svom čelu stigmatu – križ, koji mu je otada stalno na čelu i boli ga, kako je rekao, posebno prilikom molitve ili prvih petaka u mjesecu.

Uz stigmatu, Sudac posjeduje i sposobnost vidovitosti i levitacije, a ozdravio je i mnoge ljude svojim dodirom, o čemu je rekao: Moja je jedina želja služiti Bogu koliko najbolje mogu i kad nekoga izliječim, to znači da ga je Bog izliječio, a ne ja. Ja sam samo njegov instrument, on je iscjelitelj.

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Jesi brz.
Very Happy

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Francis was born at Assisi in Umbria, Italy in 1181 or 1182. His father was a wealthy cloth merchant. Although Francis planned to follow his father’s trade, he showed no interest for a merchant's career and dreamt instead of being a troubadour or a knight.

Because of his father's wealth Francis enjoyed a very rich and easy life growing up and his parents seemed to have indulged his every whim. No one loved pleasure more than Francis; he had a ready wit, sang merrily, delighted in fine clothes and showy display. Handsome, gallant, and courteous, he soon became the leader of a crowd of young aristocrats who spent their nights in wild parties.

When about twenty, Francis took part in a military attack on Perugia, was taken hostage, and remained a captive there for a year. As a result of his captivity and a severe illness his mind began to turn to religion. Francis abandoned all his rights and earthly possessions. He dressed in rough clothes and preached purity and peace. He visited hospitals, cared for the sick.

In 1209 Francis began to attract followers, and with papal blessing, founded the Franciscan brotherhood. The friars traveled throughout central Italy and beyond, preaching for people to turn from the world to Christ.

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Stigme i stigmatici Stigmata4bIn his life and preaching, Francis emphasized simplicity and poverty, relying on God's providence rather than worldly goods. The brothers worked or begged for what they needed to live, and any surplus was given to the poor.

In time the brotherhood became more organized. As large numbers of people, attracted to the preaching and example of Francis, joined him, Francis had to delegate responsibility to others. Eventually he wrote a detailed Rule, gave up leadership of the Order and went to the mountains to live in secluded prayer.

In September 1224, two years before his death, Francis had traveled to Mount Alverna in the Apennines. He was in the middle of a 40-day fast, feeling weak, and his eyes were burning. While praying and concentrating on his meditations, Francis experienced a vision of an angel carrying an image of a man nailed to a cross. When the vision disappeared, Francis felt sharp pains in various places on his body. Looking to find the source, he realized that he had five marks like those on Jesus' hands, feet, and side.

His hands and feet seemed pierced in the middle by nails. Observers described the wounds on the hands and feet as "fleshy" and "nail-like, round and black, standing clear of his flesh." Furthermore the right side of his chest bled as it had been pierced by a lance; his companions actually saw that wound appear, as though his skin had been slashed. During the days that followed, St. Francis' clothes was often soaked in blood. The marks remained until his death and reportedly caused him much pain.

Francis died on October 3, 1226. He was canonized in 1228. In 1979 he was declared patron of ecologists by John Paul II. The impression of the stigmata on his body is celebrated on September 17.

Stigme i stigmatici StFrancis2

Catherine was born at Siena on March 25, 1347. She was the youngest of a very large family, the 23rd of 25 children. Her father, Giacomo di Benincasa, was a dyer and her mother, Lapa, the daughter of a local poet. They belonged to the lower middle-class faction of tradesmen and petty notaries.

At a very young age, Catherine took a vow of virginity and devoted herself to her faith with continual and severe penance wearing a hair shirt under her clothing and fasting. At 17, she became a tertiary in the Third Order. After three years of seclusion, she became very active in the community and began to serve the poor and tender the sick, especially those afflicted with the most repulsive diseases,

Though frequently suffering terrible physical pain, living for long intervals on practically no food, Catherine was always radiantly happy and full of practical wisdom.

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Stigme i stigmatici Catherine
The head of St. Catherine of Siena. And her contemporaries bear witness to her extraordinary personal charm.

During her lifetime, Catherine was known to have been blessed with the ability to expel demons, healing the sick, levitating during prayer, having frequent visions of Christ and the Virgin Mary. During a vision Catherine claimed to have received a gift from Christ that only she could see, a gold ring with four precious stones surrounding a diamond, signifying her spiritual marriage to Jesus.

While at Pisa, on the fourth Sunday of Lent, 1375, Catherine received the Stigmata, although, at her special prayer, the marks were made invisible as long as she lived. After her death the five bleeding wounds allegedly became visible to all.

The stigmata was accompanied by symptom of being unable to eat. And it is said that she lived for eight years without taking any food or liquid other that the Blessed Sacrament (the vine and communion host, which is consumed during mass).

Catherine died in 1381 at the age of 33 (the supposed age at which Christ died on the cross). After her death the saint's body didn’t decompose in the normal way, but remained incorrupt.
Catherine was canonized by Pius II in 1461. In 1970 she was only the 2nd woman in the history of the Church to be declared a Doctor of the Church.

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Pompeo Batoni - The Ecstasy of St. Catherine of Siena, 1743, Museo di Villa Guinigi, Lucca.

[img]file:///D:/Osobno/Vjera/Stigmata_files/1pt.gif[/img]PADRE PIO

Padre Pio was born as Francesco Forgione on May 25, 1887 in the small village of Pietrelcina in southern Italy. He was tutored privately until the age of 15 when he joined the Capuchin Friars and took the Franciscan dress and the name Brother Pio.

In spite of his poor health, from a very young age Padre Pio completed the required studies and was ordained a priest at the age of 23 in 1910. For the next six years he went back home to his family for health reasons. At one point he was given a month to live because of an infection in his lungs. He also suffered from extremely high fevers.

In September 1916 he joined the friars of San Giovanni Rotondo where he remained until his death.

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Stigme i stigmatici Stigmata7bPadre Pio was the first Catholic priest to receive the stigmata, when on September 20, 1918, five wounds resembling Christ's crucifixion appeared on his hands, feet and left side of the chest. In a letter he described how the wounds first appeared:

After celebrating Mass one morning, he felt a drowsiness that overcame him. This was accompanied by a sense of great peace and indescribable stillness. In this state he saw the vision of a person whose hands, feet and side were dripping with blood.

As he woke up he realized his own hands, feet and side were bleeding accompanied be severe pain.
Padre Pio bore these wounds for the next 50 years. His size 9 sandals, stained with blood, were said to be extra wide to accommodate his swollen, bleeding feet.

Stigme i stigmatici Pio3
Stigme i stigmatici 1ptOn top of the suffering due to his health and stigmata, Padre Pio is said to have suffered from the mental and physical attacks of Satan.

One day in July 1964, the other monks found Padre Pio on the floor of his room so badly beaten up that he could not say Mass for several days after. He also had a severe cut on his forehead.

In another letter he wrote that Satan beat him continually, filled his mind with diabolical suggestions, thoughts of despair, and distrust in God.

During the last years of his life, a fellow priest commented that Padre Pio would not even eat enough to support the life of an infant while still bleeding daily from the five wounds on his body. He slept no more than two hours a night and never took a day's vacation in 50 years.

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Padre Pio's bloody night-shirt.

On Monday, September 23, 1968 Padre Pio died quietly. His room is said to have had a fragrant smell for a few moments after his death, as did his wounds during the 50 years of his suffering.

The doctors who examined his body allegedly found it to be without a drop of blood left in it. Another strange thing they found was that all the wounds had completely healed without even leaving a scar. It is estimated that about 100,000 people attended Padre Pio’s funeral.

On June 16, 2002, Padre Pio was canonized. Over half a million attended the ceremony on St. Peters Square. .

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Fale slike

Nisi brz nego prebrz.Wink

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Mystical Stigmata

To decide merely the facts without deciding whether or not they may be explained by supernatural causes, history tells us that many ecstatics bear on hands, feet, side, or brow the marks of the Passion of Christ with corresponding and intense sufferings. These are called visible stigmata. Others only have the sufferings, without any outward marks, and these phenomena are called invisible stigmata.

Their existence is so well established historically that, as a general thing, they are no longer disputed by unbelievers, who now seek only to explain them naturally. Thus a free-thinking physician, Dr. Dumas, professor of religious psychology at the Sorbonne, clearly admits the facts (Revue des Deux Mondes, 1 May, 1907), as does also Dr. Pierre Janet (Bulletin de l'Institut psychologique international, Paris, July, 1901).
St. Catherine of Siena at first had visible stigmata but through humility she asked that they might be made invisible, and her prayer was heard. This was also the case with St. Catherine de' Ricci, a Florentine Dominican of the sixteenth century, and with several other stigmatics. The sufferings may be considered the essential part of visible stigmata; the substance of this grace consists of pity for Christ, participation in His sufferings, sorrows, and for the same end--the expiation of the sins unceasingly committed in the world. If the sufferings were absent, the wounds would be but an empty symbol, theatrical representation, conducing to pride. If the stigmata really come from God, it would be unworthy of His wisdom to participate in such futility, and to do so by a miracle.
But this trial is far from being the only one which the saints have to endure: "The life of stigmatics," says Dr. Imbert, "is but a long series of sorrows which arise from the Divine malady of the stigmata and end only in death: (op. cit. infra, II, x). It seems historically certain that ecstatics alone bear the stigmata; moreover, they have visions which correspond to their rôle of co-sufferers, beholding from time to time the blood-stained scenes of the Passion.
With many stigmatics these apparitions were periodical, e.g., St. Catherine de' Ricci, whose ecstasies of the Passion began when she was twenty (1542), and the Bull of her canonization states that for twelve years they recurred with minute regularity. The ecstasy lasted exactly twenty-eight hours, from Thursday noon till Friday afternoon at four o'clock, the only interruption being for the saint to receive Holy Communion. Catherine conversed aloud, as if enacting a drama. This drama was divided into about seventeen scenes. On coming out of the ecstasy the saint's limbs were covered with wounds produced by whips, cords etc.
Dr. Imbert has attempted to count the number of stigmatics, with the following results:
1. None are known prior to the thirteenth century. The first mentioned is St. Francis of Assisi, in whom the stigmata were of a character never seen subsequently; in the wounds of feet and hands were excrescences of flesh representing nails, those on one side having round back heads, those on the other having rather long points, which bent back and grasped the skin. The saint's humility could not prevent a great many of his brethren beholding with their own eyes the existence of these wonderful wounds during his lifetime as well as after his death. The fact is attested by a number of contemporary historians, and the feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis is kept on 17 September.
2. Dr. Imbert counts 321 stigmatics in whom there is every reason to believe in a Divine action. He believes that others would be found by consulting the libraries of Germany, Spain, and Italy. In this list there are 41 men.
3. There are 62 saints or blessed of both sexes of whom the best known (numbering twenty-six) were:

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Hrki, gdje to sve našo Shocked


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evo jedne poznate stigmatistice ( poput padra Pia) novijeg razdoblja

Theresa Neumann, (1898-1962), was born into a very poor peasant family in the German village of Konnersreuth, Bavaria. During her youth, Therese was a very vital girl, known for her more than average physical strength.

When she was twenty, Therese health deteriorated rapidly after injuring her back. She became bedridden suffering from temporary blindness, convulsions, paralysis of the legs and purulent sores on the back and the feet. Devoutly religious, Theresa prayed incessantly and by 1925 had regained her sight, the use of her legs, and enjoyed some semblance of health.

On March 4, 1926, Therese experienced for the first time a vision, where Jesus appeared in the Garden of Gethsemane. Since that time, the visions continued until her death on September 18, 1962. The visions appeared unexpectedly. While conversing, taking a walk, sitting in the car or in the midst of work, she slipped into an ecstatic state and could not be addressed anymore. Even a pin-prick into her skin or piercing light directed onto her eyes was not noticed anymore.

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Stigme i stigmatici Neumann3During her first vision Theresa felt a pain in her side and realized that blood was trickling from it. Nail wounds on her hands and feet subsequently appeared. In November 1926 she began to feel the crown of thorns, and two weeks later eight pronounced wounds on her head started bleeding. On Good Friday, 1927, her eyes bled until they were swollen shut and encrusted. The five wounds remained open for the next 14 days.

Theresa’s parents thought that the wounds had to be cured, and tried to achieve some improvement with household remedies. Since these did not show any result, they called a physician who prescribed an ointment. The treatment however caused a severe swelling of the wounds in Theresa’s hands, feet and side. And she was seized by an almost unbearable pain. Her parents finally removed the bandages with the ointment after which the pain subsided rapidly and, eventually, disappeared.

The physician was astonished about the peculiarity of the wounds, which, as long as they were left alone, neither got infected nor purulent. In 1929 a lesion appeared on Theresa’s shoulder in the place she imagined Christ had a mark from carrying the cross.

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Stigme i stigmatici Neumann9Until her death in 1962, Theresa suffered intermittently from one or more of these wounds, which never healed. The wounds in her hands and feet were present permanently and on 35 Fridays each year (780 times in all). During Theresa’s mystic visions the wounds of scourging and her head wounds also started bleeding.

Doctors were allowed to examine Theresa thoroughly during her trances and testified that her wounds bore a strong resemblance to those of St. Francis, especially those on the hands and feet, which gave the impression of having been pierced by a forged iron nail.

Although the attitude of the church authorities at first was reserved, the village of Konnersreuth soon became a place of pilgrimage as curiosity seekers and miracle hunters flocked to witness the phenomenon. After a while Bishop Buchberger of Regensburg asked Theresa to stay home on Fridays, so visitors could witness her sufferings and be strengthened in their faith.

Stigme i stigmatici Neumann4b People flocking at Theresa Neumann's house.

Since Christmas 1922, Theresa took only liquids and since the feast of Transfiguration of Christ on August 6, 1926, she drank only one spoon of water, 6-8 drops, to swallow the Host. From September 1927, even this little spoon of water was not taken anymore. The daily Holy Communion was thus her only nourishment.

As some had doubts about Therese's life without food the Bishop of Regensburg asked for a medical certification of the phenomenon. Therese and her father agreed to an examination, which took place July 14 - 28, 1927. Therese was observed around the clock under medical instruction and supervision. The result of this examination was made public by Prof. Ewald and the Diocesan Authorities and confirmed that nothing was ingested other than the wafer and wine of the Communion.

Stigme i stigmatici Neumann10

Stigme i stigmatici 1ptRATIONAL EXPLANATIONS

Skeptics often explain stigmata as being the result of more or less deliberate self-mutilation either as fraud or as a particular form of schizophrenia (where one self-inflicts wounds).

Others have considered the possibility of a psychosomatic condition which can occur in certain highly religious people who are of a hysterical disposition - the idea is that the stigmatics identify so closely with the life of Christ and visualize him so clearly that some as-yet undiscovered physiological mechanism imposes Christ's marks of suffering on their bodies.


One of the pathological conditions which have been considered is known as “Hematidrosis”. According to the Bible Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane after the last supper. Worrying about his destiny, He suffered great emotional stress and His sweat became “like great drops of blood” (Luke 22:44).
It has been suggested that Jesus then suffered from a condition known as Hematidrosis.

Hematidrosis (hematohidrosis or hematidrosis) is a condition where a person, experiencing extreme levels of emotional stress, literately sweats blood. This is caused by tiny capillaries in the sweat pores breaking, thus leaking blood into the sweat.

Though rare, the phenomenon is well documented. A case history is recorded in which a young girl who had a fear of air raids in the first World War developed the condition after a gas explosion occurred in the house next-door.

Another report mentions a nun who, as she was threatened with death by the swords of the enemy soldiers, was so terrified that she bled from every part of her body and died of hemorrhage in the sight of her assailants.
Stigme i stigmatici Kim

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Izrail je napisao/la:
Fale slike

Nisi brz nego prebrz.Wink

kopirao sam i slike , ali ih ne znam zašto ne povlači
pokušati ću samo sa slikama:)

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Zadnja promjena: ; uto 27 oľu 2007, 15:13; ukupno mijenjano 3 put/a.

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Stigme i stigmatici C-hand

kako dolazi do stigmi? Shocked

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Noemi je napisao/la:

kako dolazi do stigmi? Shocked

Pa tema je preozbiljna da bi ti netko rekao "uzmeš čekić i čavao i prisloniš čavao na dlan pridržavaš ga rukom a čekićem napraviš stigme..." drunken
Mada će sigurno biti i takvih ovdje.
No ja ima odmah kažem da je to i fizički nemoguće.

Radi se o nadnaravnim znakovima koje imaju neki kršćanski mistici i svetci.

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Noemi je napisao/la:
Stigme i stigmatici C-hand

kako dolazi do stigmi? Shocked

Božjim posredovanjem

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Noemi je napisao/la:
Stigme i stigmatici C-hand

kako dolazi do stigmi? Shocked

iz tvoga nika dao bih zaključiti da ti je engleski blizak jezik
pogledaj malo na adresam koje sam kopirao , tamo ima detaljnije za neke pojedinačne slučajeve:D

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evo jedne odlične stranice sa puno slika
jako je zanimljiv slučaj TEREZE NEUMANN!

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Mislim da stigme nisu znak svetosti za osobu koja ih ima. Medicini su neobješnjive i zna reć jedino da nisu nastale prirodnim putem. Psihologija ih objašnjava da su prihosomatske prirode; netko dobije čir na želudcu, ljudi koji su jako suživljeni s Kristom raspetim dobiju stigme. Katolička Crkve mudro pri beatifikaciji ih ne uzima niti najmanje kao dokaz nečije svetosti, već gleda kako se osoba nosila s njima. Jer, treba imati na umu da one nisu nekakvi ordeni i priznanja. To su otvorene rane na tijelu koje krvare i bole. Ali da su poseban dar, to vjerujem.
Ali, da se nadovežem, i svi ti darovi psihe kao i levitacija, bilokacija, iluminacija, kontroliranje tjelesnih funkcija, telekineza, telepatija i mnoge druge, nisu nikakav dokaz svetosti. Naprotiv, mogu bit velika kočnica na duhovnom putu ako se čovjek na njih naveže. Tu je najkarakterističniji primjer sv. Josipa Kupertinskog, najpoznatijeg katoličkog levitatora koji je svaku misu služio par centimetara iznad zemlje. Uzeo je zvono od 500kg i odletio s njime na vrh zvonika, gore ga postavio, pred inkvizicijom je čak letio. Kad mu je gvardijan zavranio da levitira, on je presto levitirat. I nije proglašen svetim jer je letio nego jer je bio poslušan.

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Veselim, se sto ovaj nas forum ,postaje pomalo denominacijska enciklopedija,i zahvaljujem se svim ljudima koji promicu svoju vjeru,a molim ih da ostanu na visokom nivou medjudenominaciskog postivanja i unutar i van ekumene.

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Danas sam čitala svjedočanstvo fra Joze Grbeše koje je navodno on napisao da je prisustvovao kad je vlč. Sudac proživljavao Kristovu patnju i krvario - nešto nadnaravno i grozno (to da je to grozno je moja subjektivna prosudba).
S obzirom da je to svjedočanstvo dospjelo meni u ruke na fotokopiranom papiru, neisprintanom s neta s neke vjerske stranice, već kao da je netko to pretipkao tko zna od kuda zanima me zna li tko da li je to istina da je fra Jozo Grbeš to navodno vidio? Jel tko to čitao gdje?!

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