Halo , brat Emanuel,
evo stigao je odgovor od barat Rubena Knezevica..Mislim da ce biti koristan i drugima u razgovoru i istrazivanju ako i u uciteljstvu i disputaciji :
Evo, stigao sam pogledati. Redak 13 nije sporan, tu se radi o lavu. Kod
retka 16. izvornik je nesiguran, prijevodi to razlicito rjesavaju i taj je
redak predmet brojnih rasprava. Donosim nize prijevod i opsirno tumacenje
iz New English Translation, a koje bi moglo pomoci. NET Bible inace je
on-line dostupna na
www.bible.org (odnosno ovaj redak na
http://net.bible.org/bible.php?book=Psa&chapter=22#n38) i preporucam je zbog
dobroga prijevoda i
korisnih fusnota. Nadam se da engleski nije problem.
22:13 They open their mouths to devour me
like a roaring lion that rips its prey. 30
30 - tn Heb "like a lion, my hands and my feet." This reading is often
emended because it is grammatically awkward, but perhaps its awkwardness is
by rhetorical design. Its broken syntax may be intended to convey the panic
and terror felt by the psalmist. The psalmist may envision a lion pinning
the hands and feet of its victim to the ground with its paws (a scene
depicted in ancient Near Eastern art), or a lion biting the hands and feet.
The line has been traditionally translated, "they pierce my hands and feet,"
and then taken as foreshadowing the crucifixion of Christ. Though Jesus does
appropriate the language of this psalm while on the cross (compare v. 1 with
Matt 27:46 and Mark 15:34), the NT does not cite this verse in describing
the death of Jesus. (It does refer to vv. 7-8 and 18, however. See Matt
27:35, 39, 43; Mark 15:24, 29; Luke 23:34; John 19:23-24.) If one were to
insist on an emendation of ???????? (ka'ariy, "like a lion") to a verb, the
most likely verbal root would be ?????? (karah, "dig"; see the LXX). In this
context this verb could refer to the gnawing and tearing of wild dogs (cf.
NCV, TEV, CEV). The ancient Greek version produced by Symmachus reads "bind"
here, perhaps understanding a verbal root ???, which is attested in later
Hebrew and Aramaic and means "to encircle, entwine, embrace" (see HALOT
497-98 s.v. ??? and Jastrow 668 s.v. ???????). Neither one of these proposed
verbs can yield a meaning "bore, pierce."
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Bratski pozdrav,