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Amerika u biblijskim proročanstvima

Amerika u proročanstvu 244001

U periodu između 1775. i 1815. godine svijet je doživio radikalnu promjenu. Kada su američki pobunjenici 1775. godine prvi put upotrebili oružje protiv moćne Britanije, niko nije mogao da pretpostavi ishod ovog rata. Mir koji je potpisan 1783. u Parizu čudesno je udvostručio teritoriju Sjedinjenih Država. Čak je i velika Britanija bila prinuđena da prizna nezavisnost svoje bivše kolonije.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>Meni je od svih proročanstava koje sam proučavao, najzanimljivije bilo proročanstvo o zvijeri sa dva roga koje se pominje u Otkr. 13 glavi.

Imao sam stav da bi ovo mogla biti Amerika, ali jedan stih me potpuno uvjerio u to.

Otkrivenje 13:14 I vara one koji žive na zemlji znacima, koji joj biše dani da čini pred zvijeri, govoreći onima što žive na zemlji da načine ikonu zvijeri koja imade ranu smrtnu i osta živa.

Prema ovom stihu, ova zvijer (sa dva roga kao u jagnjeta, a sa glasom aždaje) vara ljude koji žive na zemlji i to čini pred prvom zvijeri, koja je ranije opisana u 13 glavi.

Međutim, proučavajući iznova ovu temu, jednog jutra mi je drugi dio ovog stiha privukao pažnju, a što ranije nisam primjećivao:

...govoreći onima što žive na zemlji da načine ikonu zvijeri koja imade ranu smrtnu i osta živa.

Ovaj stih govori mnogo! Posebno nama koji živimo danas.

Prvo što se može uočiti odmah, ako se samo pažljivije pogleda jeste da nije zvijer sa dva roga TA KOJA ĆE NAČINITI IKONU ZVIJERI, već ona GOVORI ONIMA KOJI ŽIVE NA ZEMLJI DA ONI TO UČINE!

Za mene je ovo bio šok kada sam pročitao koliko je ovo proročanstvo precizno!

Ponovo sam pažljivo razmotrio stihove i njihovoj jasnoći se i danas divim:

Oni koji žive na zemlji imaju vlast da načine Ikonu zvijerinu.
Oni koji žive na zemlji dobijaju taj predlog od zvijeri sa dva roga, a ne naredjenje!

Ne znam da li vidite ovdje isto sto i ja, ali - osnova uredjenja drustva u kome zivimo je Demokratija!

Vlasti predlazu zakone a "oni koji zive na zemlji" ih usvajaju ili odbacuju!

Ispunjenje ovog proročanstva, o zvijeri sa dva roga (nema sumnje da se radi o Američkom razumijevanju vlasti i SAD-om kao vodećom demokratskom državom današnjice) desiće se u vrijeme vladavine demokratije, kao ustavno najprihvatljivijeg i najpoželjnijeg državnog uređenja.

Ili, vrijeme koje se upravo navršava u našim danima.

Proročanstvo kaže da će NAROD, ONI KOJI ŽIVE NA ZEMLJI - dati vlast da oživi ikona prve zvijeri!

Koji je to zakon? Šta će to narod, na predlog vlasti SAD-a a vrlo brzo i ostalih demokratskih država - usvojiti?

Inače, od kada sam postao hrišćanin i izabrao Isusa za svog cara, demokratija je postala nešto što je za mene bilo čudno, izvitopereno i strano. Pitao sam se zašto i nisam znao odgovor, jer u mom okruženju, vladavina kroz demokratiju je vrhunac ljudskih prava i sloboda... znao sam da je to glupost... ali dok nisam razumio ovo proročanstvo, nisam znao zašto je to tako...</BLOCKQUOTE>

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Amerika i Hrvatska, jedan clanak iz Glasa Koncila:
Mediji u Hrvatskoj prenijeli su u subotu 26. siječnja, pozivajući se na ljubljanski list »Dnevnik« i beogradski list »Politika«, vijest o razgovorima američkih i slovenskih diplomata u Washingtonu 24. prosinca 2007. na kojem je - kako se kaže već naslovom u ljubljanskom listu - »Slovenija od SAD-a dobila tajni popis zahtjeva za vrijeme svoga predsjedanja EU-om«. Riječ je o dokumentu »dugom devet stranica« u kojem su zapisana stajališta što su ih na tom susretu iznijeli američki službeni predstavnici - kako se tvrdi - pretežno o postupcima i pitanjima oko međunarodnoga priznanja Kosova te o potpisivanju sporazuma o suradnji i pridruživanju između EU-a i Srbije, i to prije proglašenja nezavisnosti Kosova - a taj dokument trebao je ostati tajan. Zašto je sadržaj toga dokumenta ipak dospio u javnost - pitanje je kojim se vjerojatno bave brojne zainteresirane službe. Budući da Sjedinjene Američke Države nisu imale nikakvog interesa da sadržaj toga dokumenta dođe u javnost, vjerojatno je dospio u javnost sa slovenske strane, pri čemu ostaje nejasno je li to zbog slovenske diplomatske nedoraslosti, zbog slovenske iznimne diplomatske mudrosti (jer takav scenarij Sloveniji, čini se, sasvim ne odgovara) ili zbog nekoga trećeg razloga. No, puno važnija od otkrivanja pravoga razloga zašto je taj dokument dospio u javnost jest očita spoznaja kako danas funkcionira međunarodna politika - a to je pitanje sudbinski važno i za Hrvatsku i za sve njezine građane koji i sami moraju odlučivati, tj. zauzimati svoj stav o načinu prisutnosti Hrvatske u međunarodnoj zajednici.
Dobro poznavanje suvremenog i aktualnog funkcioniranja ...

-cijeli clanak:

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Amerika u jednom Biblijskom tečaju:

U knjizi:
Zatim :

Adventist World Leaders
Call for Prayer

Amerika u proročanstvu Enmployees at the Seventh-day Adventist world headquarters gathered this morning to pray for those impacted by the series of terrorist attacks that hit the United States eastern seaboard this morning, September 11.
Amerika u proročanstvu Paulsen“We have been brutally reminded of how fragile our lives are, and how fragile the structures that surround us are,” said Pastor Jan Paulsen, president of the world church (right). “At this point, with so many questions unanswered, we can only ask for the prayers of every believer around the world, prayers for those who are suffering, for those who have lost loved ones, and for those involved in the rescue efforts.”
“We need our Lord. We desperately need for our Lord to return,” said Paulsen. “He is the only secure future we have.”
Ted N.C. Wilson, a General Conference vice president, reminded employees that, “The Lord is our safety and our salvation.” Wilson called for a sense of calmness, saying, “We must pull together under the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Employees at the Adventist Church world headquarters have been offered the opportunity to leave work to be with family. Those remaining have been offered pastoral support in centers throughout the building, and have been encouraged to gather in departmental groups to pray.
“Please pray for leaders around the world who are making decisions, even as we speak,” said Paulsen. “They need God’s guidance in making the right decisions.”
Acknowledging that the work of the church may, in ways yet unknown, be impacted by the events of the day, leaders at the church headquarters have said that decisions will be made on an hour-by-hour, day-to-day basis, with “our trust placed firmly in the Lord.”
Leaders have been quick to assure church employees and church members around the world, however, that the Adventist Church world headquarters has not been affected. The headquarters is located in Silver Spring, Maryland, around 15 miles from downtown Washington, D.C., site of one of the terrorist attacks. --Adventist News Network

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Uskoro papa Benedikt XVI putuje u Ameriku:

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The Pope Gets 20 Minutes

Pope Benedict XVI is shlepping all the way to the U.S. -- only his eighth foreign trip as pope -- primarily to speak at the United Nations, and they're only giving him 20 minutes to talk!
Actually, that's about double what world leaders usually get when they speak at the U.N.'s annual debates, according to a U.N. official involved in preparing for the trip.
The pope will address a gathering of diplomats at the U.N. General Assembly for 20 minutes on April 18, from 11:30 a.m. to 11:50 p.m. He will then meet with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and about 30 to 40 other senior U.N. officials in the Indonesian Lounge, near the General Assembly, the official said. They will set up a reception line for the Pope and officials will line up to greet him. Then he will return to the General Assembly Hall to address U.N. staff members at about 12:30. The secretary-general will deliver opening remarks. The second session, including Ban's remarks, will last 20 minutes.
World leaders are traditionally limited to 10 minutes at the U.N.'s annual debates, though many -- including President Bush, Venezuelan Leader Hugo Chavez, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula and former Cuban President Fidel Castro -- have exceeded the time limit.
The pope will be traveling with a huge media entourage -- about 72 reporters. That's about twice as many reporters as accompany President Bush when he addresses the U.N. General Assembly each year.
Mary Ann Glendon, U.S. ambassador to the Holy See, said she believes the pope will deliver 17 different addresses -- many much shorter than the U.N. talk -- during his six days in the United States.

By Michelle Boorstein | April 3, 2008; 11:40 AM ET
ZE08031901 - 2008-03-19
Bush to Welcome Benedict XVI at Airport
Amerika u proročanstvu 6935771-VATICAN__POPE__BUSH__VAT108.jpg__MBQF,templateId=renderScaled,property=Bild,height=225

WASHINGTON, D.C., MARCH 19, 2008 ( President George Bush will greet Benedict XVI when the Pope arrives for a six-day visit to the United States that will take him to Washington, D.C., and New York City, report the U.S. bishops.

The episcopal conference affirmed in a press statement that the Pope is scheduled to arrive April 15 at Andrews Air Force Base on an Alitalia flight dubbed “Shepherd One.” Accompanying him in the plane will be several Vatican officials and more that 60 members of the Vatican press corps.

First Lady Laura Bush will also be present at the welcoming ceremony, as well as several Church officials including Archbishop Pietro Sambi, Vatican nuncio to the United States; Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, president of the U.S. episcopal conference; Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C., and Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services.

The color guard will offer its customary greeting for a head of state, but the ceremony will be brief and without speeches.

Formal greetings will be offered the next morning when the Holy Father visits President Bush at the White House. It will be only the second time a Pontiff has visited the official residence of the U.S. president. Pope John Paul II visited in 1979.

Several hundred guests will also be on hand. Among them will be military families and young people from several Catholic high schools. Before the Benedict XVI's arrival, the U.S. Air Force Band will provide entertainment for the public.

Further information regarding the Holy Father’s April 15-20 trip to the United States and the United Nations can be found at

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